

    Match the terms with their corresponding definitions

    1. Materials that the speaker shows to the audience during the speech.
    2. A visual arrangement of words or numbers according to some obvious principle.
    3. A chart showing points in a sequence at which decisions must be made, and the likely consequences of various choices.
    4. A chart showing the "flow" or progress through several steps, with alternative paths showing the outcome of different decisions.
    5. A visual display of relationships showing how change in one thing is related to change in the other.
    6. A graph in which a line connects points, each of which represents a combination of the two items being compared.
    7. A graph in which the length of bars indicates the amount or extent of items being compared.
    8. A graph in the shape of a circle in which the various components of the whole are shown as portions of the circle.
    9. Visual portrayals of reality.
    10. A display of words so that the audience can both see and hear them.
    11. A simplified drawing or sketch that represents a more complex object.
    12. A writing tablet made of large sheets of paper, usually newsprint, the pages of which can be flipped over after they are used.
    13. One or more sheets of paper given out to audience members before or during the speech; the speaker refers to them at some point.
    14. Celluloid sheets that are projected onto a screen with the use of an overhead projector.
    15. A circular tray that holds slides and fits onto a projector; it is usually advanced by remote control.
    16. A page containing the verbal outline for a single idea, along with a sketch of the visual aid to illustrate that idea.
    A. bar graph
    B. carousel
    C. chart
    D. decision tree
    E. diagram
    F. flip chart
    G. flow chart
    H. graph
    I. handout
    J. line graph
    K. pie graph
    L. representations
    M. storyboard
    N. textual graphic
    O. transparencies
    P. visual aids